
Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture & Cupping

What It Does

At Quartz, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) bridges the gap between ancient techniques and modern science to provide holistic treatment plans. Traditional Chinese Medicine can treat a variety of health concerns, alone or in combination with complementary medical treatments.

How It Works

At Quartz, our Naturopathic Doctors use acupuncture to address full body balancing, acute or chronic conditions, fertility, cosmetic acupuncture, mental health, and digestive symptoms.

Cupping can be used as a standalone fascial massage treatment, but it can also be combined with acupuncture in one treatment. The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and calm the nervous system.



Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.

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