
Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

What It Does

Comprehensive hormone testing for men and women. At Quartz we specialise in a patient-focused approach and take time to listen to the needs and concerns of our patients. We want to help you address discrepancies by using individualised compounded bioidentical hormone prescriptions to create a balance and minimise symptoms. 

How It Works

Bioidentical hormones are identical to the hormones the human body produces, making them safer and more effective than synthetic hormones. Many studies show that BHRT significantly improves quality of life and health while decreasing the risk of developing numerous chronic illnesses.


  • Improves energy levels
  • Regulates mood and hormone-related anxiety/depression
  • Helps manage night sweats and hot flashes
  • Decreases Vaginal Dryness
  • Decreases pain with intercourse
  • Helps with insomnia or interrupted sleep patterns
  • Improves fat loss and muscle tone
  • Improves libido and performance
  • Improves memory and cognitive function


Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.

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