Cosmetic Hyaluronic Acid Filler
What It Does
- Plumps and Defines Lips
- Enhances definition of Cheekbones, Jawline and Chin
- Replaces lost volume in Temples and Cheeks
- Reduces appearance of Darkness and Hollowness Under Eyes
- Camouflages Under Eye Bags
During Treatment
Most Hyaluronic Fillers contain an anesthetic to minimize discomfort during the treatment and numbing is also applied topically to more sensitive areas, such as the lips, prior to the filler being injected.
What to Expect
After Treatment
The area may remain slightly numb for up to two hours afterwards. Swelling, bruising and tenderness in the treated area(s) is completely normal and typically resolves itself within 3-7 days.
Recommended Sessions
1 initial session
Ongoing maintenance required approx every 3-9 months
Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.Explore
Related Treatments
Hormone Health
Comprehensive Evaluation
Hormone Health Optimization is a specialized approach aimed at achieving balanced hormone levels to improve overall well-being, vitality, and quality of life. This process involves a comprehensive evaluation of your hormonal profile, including key hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, blood sugar and thyroid hormones.
treatment plans
By identifying imbalances or deficiencies, personalized treatment plans can be developed to restore optimal hormone function. This may include lifestyle modifications, nutritional guidance, botanical supplementation, stress management techniques, and, if necessary, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).
Healthier Living
Hormone Health Optimization helps address a range of issues such as fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, decreased libido, gastro-intestinal changes and other symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances, ultimately promoting a more balanced, energetic, and healthier life.
Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.Explore
Related Treatments
Genetic Testing
A Series of Visits
Integrative Genetic Testing is a comprehensive approach that combines various genetic testing methods to provide a holistic understanding of an individual’s genetic makeup. By synthesizing data from different sources, Integrative Genetic Testing offers a detailed and nuanced view of genetic variations, helping to identify potential health risks, inform personalized treatment plans, and guide lifestyle decisions.
What is included in the Integrative Genetic Testing Service?
1. 30 Minute Consultation
A dedicated 30-minute session with a Naturopathic Doctor to discuss your personal health goals, health screen and go over next steps to begin the genetic testing process.
2. Raw Data Kit Purchase
A DNA collection kit to gather your genetic sample. This well-known and trusted kit provides a foundation for analyzing a wide array of genetic markers and traits.
3. Follow-Up Data Analysis
A comprehensive 90-minute follow-up session to review the raw genetic data. This analysis includes a detailed examination of your genetic profile, providing insights into potential health risks, personalized treatment options, and lifestyle recommendations based on your genetic makeup - genetic game plan given to you.
This integrative service ensures that you receive not only a thorough genetic analysis but also professional guidance to understand and apply the findings to your health and wellness journey.
Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.Explore
Related Treatments
Belkyra Deoxycholic acid
What It Does
Deoxycholic Acid Injectable reduces submental fat, better known as a double chin. Deoxycholic Acid Injectable is a safe, non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that has become a popular treatment for patients who want to improve their profile and define their jawline, bra fat & jowls.
After Treatment
The area may remain slightly numb for up to two hours afterwards. Swelling, bruising and tenderness in the treated area(s) is completely normal and typically resolves itself within 3-7 days.
Recommended Sessions
1 initial session
Ongoing to be determined.
Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.Explore
Related Treatments
What It Does
Sculptra® is a treatment that activates and reignites your skin’s natural ability to produce collagen, therefore, restoring volume which makes it a popular option for non-surgical butt lifts. This treatment adds volume and shape to the buttocks with little to no downtime.
The benefits of Sculptra® also make it a popular treatment for the face and neck to restore volume and improve the texture of the skin.
Sculptra® contains micro particles of poly-L-Lactic acid, PLLA, which is a synthetic, biodegradable, biocompatible polymer. PLLA has been used in dissolvable stitches for wound management and medical implants for decades.
Patient studies have shown that injections with Sculptra® result in an increase in skin thickness and a reduction of facial wrinkles and the effects are long-lasting. The clinical studies show improvement for up to 2 years and possibly beyond.
What Can It Help?
- Sagging skin
- Undereye bags
- Lip filler
What to Expect
After Treatment
Most people can return to their normal activities immediately after Sculptra® injections. Swelling, bruising, and other side effects are usually mild and subside within a few days. Doing the following will help speed along your recovery:
- Apply a cold pack to the affected area for a few minutes at a time within the first 24 hours.
- Following treatment, massage the area for five minutes at a time, five times a day, for five days.
- Avoid excessive sunlight or tanning beds until any redness and swelling have resolved.
Results are gradual and may take 3-6 months to be fully evident. Results last up to two years.
Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.Explore
Related Treatments
The Quartz Grounding Experience
What It Does
A custom full body experience designed by our in house Naturopathic Physician combining two programs. A gemstone infused heat therapy mat and audio-visual entertainment system. The purpose of the experience is to guide the user into a meditative state of deep relaxation, when in this deep state the brain-body goes into regenerative repair where serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine is released, providing a stress-break. It helps the body to recover from daily tension and stress faster, rejuvenate cells more intensely, promote better mood and pain management and have a faster recovery time from injury. Torqued tension accumulated in the fascia of your body, from day to day stress will loosen and allow for improved circulation and cellular communication. After you leave your session you should feel uplifted, energized and calm.
How It Works
The mat contains up to 21 layers that regulate the complex wellness-enhancing experience featuring Amethyst, Tourmaline, Obsidian, Jade and of course Quartz. The gemstones heat up to 70C and release infrared rays and negative ions that penetrate deep into your body’s core. While used in conjunction with Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) which is a technique that uses pulses of light and sound at specific frequencies to gently and safely guide the brain into various brainwave patterns. By altering your brainwave frequencies, you can normalize your mood, improve sleep patterns, sharpen your mind, and increase relaxation levels. There are also settings for Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) which applies pulsed, alternating microcurrent (<1000 μA) transcutaneously to the head via electrodes placed on the earlobes, mastoid processes, zygomatic arches, or the maxillo-occipital junction. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted approval in 1979 for CES for the treatment of insomnia, depression and anxiety. Controlled studies provide evidence that CES is effective for anxiety, headaches, fibromyalgia, smoking cessation, drug withdrawal symptoms, and (in some but not all studies) pain (see Bianco 1994; Klawansky et al. 1995; Kirsch 1996; DeFelice 1997; Gilula 2007; O’Connell et al. 2010 for review and meta-analyses).
- Academic Performance Enhancement
- Assists in Postpartum Recovery
- Boosts Mood
- Business Performance Enhancement
- CES Cranial-Electro Stimulation
- Concussion and Brain Injury Support
- Daily Tension Release
- Improves Joint Flexibility
- Improves Circulation
Improves Sleep - Reduces Anxiety and Stress
- Reduces Pain
- Reduces Anxiety and Improves Sleep in Children
- Rejuvenates Cells
- Relieves Symptoms of ADHD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Improves Seniors’ Issues (including cognition, memory, and balance)
- Sports and Athletic Performance Enhancement
What to Expect
During Treatment
You will be brought into our grounding vault which is an EMF soundproof room where you will be able to fall into a deep state of relaxation. You will be asked to either turn off your cell phone or put it on airplane mode. One of our expert staff will set you up on the healthy line mat and provide you with sanitized headphones and glasses. Then you will choose one of 5 distinct categories; Energize, Meditate, Brain Brightener, Sleep and Mood Booster along with one of five auto playing Sound Sync Sessions from our Grounding menu. We will leave you to experience a 40 min session that will leave you feeling blissfully refreshed.
Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.Explore
Related Treatments
Therapeutic Hyaluronic Acid
What It Does
Hyaluronic Acid is a natural substance found in our joints, eyes, and tissues. It is most commonly known for its use in cosmetic treatments, but can also be used therapeutically to improve joint health and function.
How It Works
It speeds up healing and decreases inflammation and swelling. Hyaluronic acid holds up to 1000x it’s weight in water and is beneficial in holding water and creating space in the knees. This can be beneficial in the bone-on-bone pain of osteoarthritis and create space to allow for a decrease in inflammation.
- Lubricates Joints
- Decreases Swelling
- Creates a more comfort while anticipating knee surgery
- May be used in conjuction with PRP to help with cartilaginous repair
What to Expect
During Treatment
Ultrasound guided needle injection into the knee. Mild discomfort at the time of injection.
After Treatment
24-48 hours of recovery time from the procedure.
Recommended Sessions
A treatment is required every 6 months
Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.Explore
Related Treatments
Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
What It Does
Comprehensive hormone testing for men and women. At Quartz we specialise in a patient-focused approach and take time to listen to the needs and concerns of our patients. We want to help you address discrepancies by using individualised compounded bioidentical hormone prescriptions to create a balance and minimise symptoms.
How It Works
Bioidentical hormones are identical to the hormones the human body produces, making them safer and more effective than synthetic hormones. Many studies show that BHRT significantly improves quality of life and health while decreasing the risk of developing numerous chronic illnesses.
- Improves energy levels
- Regulates mood and hormone-related anxiety/depression
- Helps manage night sweats and hot flashes
- Decreases Vaginal Dryness
- Decreases pain with intercourse
- Helps with insomnia or interrupted sleep patterns
- Improves fat loss and muscle tone
- Improves libido and performance
- Improves memory and cognitive function
Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.Explore
Related Treatments
PRP Cosmetic
What It Does
Platelet Rich Plasma, commonly known as PRP, is drawn from your own blood. It can be injected or applied to the surface of the skin when combined with other cosmetic treatments like Microneedling.
How It Works
PRP is full of growth factors and proteins which help to rejuvenate and heal the skin. Skin texture can also be improved by PRP due to its ability to increase collagen and elastin stimulation. PRP can be used as an alternative to fillers for clients who want a natural option that increases firmness, density, skin elasticity and helps to reduce hair thinning and loss. By using this growth factor of rich plasma and delivering it to the root of the hair follicles, we can stimulate hair growth and improve fullness.
- Correction of Melasma and Hypopigmentation
- Reduces Hair loss and Thinning
- Improves Texture and Elasticity on Face or Body
- Improves Keloid Scars
What to Expect
During Treatment
Your blood will be drawn, then placed in a centrifuge which spins the blood very quickly in order to separate and collect the Plasma. The Plasma (PRP) is then either injected into the area of concern or, when combined with Microneedling, is applied to the surface of the skin and absorbed.
Recommended Sessions
3 initial sessions
Ongoing maintenance is required
Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.Explore
Related Treatments
Neural Prolotherapy
What It Does
Neural prolotherapy does not target tendons, ligaments or joints, but instead treats nerves and muscles associated with areas of pain. Other treatments such as PRP, acupuncture, trigger point injections, and biological and nutritional therapies are also used as required. Each patient is unique and the best treatment should be used at each stage of the healing process.
What to Expect
After Treatment
After seeing dramatic results many people wonder how after only a few treatments it can cause such a significant and often immediate decline in pain.
Recommended Sessions
Schedule a consult with us to discuss treatment options that work for you.