
Food Allergy & Sensitivity

How It Works

A food allergy is a change to your physiology that produces a negative immune response to certain foods, or groups of foods. This is generally a fast-acting immune response that can cause swelling, hives, and anaphylaxis. This response is mediated by an antibody called IgE.

What It Does

Food sensitivities are IgG-mediated reactions and can occur anytime within 72 hours of exposure. These reactions most often result in chronic symptoms like cramps, diarrhoea, constipation, fatigue, low energy, nausea, poor sleep, weight gain, asthma, joint pain and skin rashes/eczema. Symptoms may vary depending on the person and the frequency of exposure.

What to Expect

During Treatment

Our Naturopathic Doctors will take an in-depth medical history which includes food intake and lifestyle habits. Blood tests may be ordered as part of your assessment. Our Naturopathic Doctors take food allergies and sensitivities very seriously.



Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.

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Functional Pain Therapy

Hormone Health Optimization

Integrative Genetic Testing

Therapeutic Injections

The Quartz Grounding Experience

Naturopathic Medicine


PRP Cosmetic

What It Does

Platelet Rich Plasma, commonly known as PRP, is drawn from your own blood. It can be injected or applied to the surface of the skin when combined with other cosmetic treatments like Microneedling.

How It Works

PRP is full of growth factors and proteins which help to rejuvenate and heal the skin. Skin texture can also be improved by PRP due to its ability to increase collagen and elastin stimulation. PRP can be used as an alternative to fillers for clients who want a natural option that increases firmness, density, skin elasticity and helps to reduce hair thinning and loss. By using this growth factor of rich plasma and delivering it to the root of the hair follicles, we can stimulate hair growth and improve fullness.


  • Correction of Melasma and Hypopigmentation
  • Reduces Hair loss and Thinning
  • Improves Texture and Elasticity on Face or Body
  • Improves Keloid Scars

What to Expect

During Treatment

Your blood will be drawn, then placed in a centrifuge which spins the blood very quickly in order to separate and collect the Plasma. The Plasma (PRP) is then either injected into the area of concern or, when combined with Microneedling, is applied to the surface of the skin and absorbed.

Recommended Sessions

3 initial sessions
Ongoing maintenance is required



Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.

Related Treatments


Sciton BBL and BBL HERO

What It Does

At Quartz, we offer a treatment called photo rejuvenation. We use a powerful technology called BBL HERO, which is also known as IPL. This treatment can help reduce redness, broken capillaries, sun spots, and freckles. It can also improve the appearance of fine lines, dull skin, and pores. If you want to improve your skin, come and try our photo rejuvenation treatment!

How It Works

BBL treatments accomplish their goals by delivering Broad Band Light and heat.

The BBL and BBL Hero work in a similar way, producing the same outcomes. The difference being that the BBL Hero delivers the heat and light at a faster rate than the original BBL treatment, making it one of the most efficient photorejuvenation treatments available on the market today, particularly for areas of concern on the body.


  • Lightens sun damage
  • Improves tone and texture
  • Reduces overall redness, flushing, and broken capillaries
  • Little to no downtime

What to Expect

During Treatment

In order to protect your eyes from the bright light emitted by the BBL, your eyes will be covered with shields. You will feel a warm, quick snapping sensation as the light and heat are absorbed by the skin.

After Treatment

Shortly after treatment, the unwanted pigment will come to the surface of the skin, resembling coffee grounds. This will slough off naturally within 7-10 days of having the treatment. Vascular lesions such as broken capillaries and cherry angiomas will minimize, many of them disappearing altogether. Skin tone and texture improve. Some may experience redness and mild swelling for up to 3 days after the treatment.

Recommended Sessions

3-4 initial treatments
Ongoing, future treatments are required to maintain results



Our Medical Aestheticians and Naturopathic Doctors know that every body is different. During our Consultation we will discuss your goals and concerns, explore the variety of treatment options available and together we can design a treatment plan using our Quartz Method that works best for you.

Related Treatments

Skin & Body Analysis

ZO Facials and Peels

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